Welcome to Haejo Food, a Fisheries Corporation.

Terms and Conditions for Members

Article 1 Purpose
These Terms and Conditions of Use (the 'Terms of Use') apply to the Haejo Food (the 'Company') website (haejofood.co.kr) and is intended to specify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of users or visitors to the Site.
Article 2 Definition of Users
① 'Byucksan Paint & Coatings website' refers to a virtual space created by the Company using computers or other information & communication equipment to provide services to users and refers to a website operated by the Company.
② 'User' refers to members and non-members who access the Company’s website and receive services provided by the Company in accordance with the Terms of Use.
③ 'Member' refers to a person who accesses the Company’s website, provides personal information to the Company in accordance with these Terms of Use, agrees to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and signs up to be a member in order to continuously use the services provided by the Company.
④ 'ID' refers to a combination of letters and numbers determined by the member and approved by the 'Company' for the purpose of identifying the 'member' and using the member’s services.
⑤ 'Password' refers to a combination of letters or numbers determined by the member to confirm that the member matches the ID assigned to the member, and to protect the member’s personal information.
Article 3 Membership
① Anyone who wishes to become a user must sign up for a membership by filling out his/her information according to the registration form set by the Company and clicking the “Register” button.
② The Company will register the person as a member as stated in the foregoing Paragraph ① , unless the person falls under any of the following items.
1. If the person has lost membership due to violating any provision of these Terms of Use. However, an exception is made if 3 years have passed since the person was disqualified and the Company has approved membership re-registration.
2. If there are false information, omissions, or errors in the registration information.
3. If it is determined that registering as a member will significantly impede the Company's technology.
③ The membership contract is effective when the Company’s approval is sent to the person.
④ If there is a change in the member information stated in Paragraph ①, the member must immediately correct and update the change.
Article 4 Legitimacy and Modification
① The Company posts the contents of these Terms of Use on the initial service screen of the Company’s website so that members can easily recognize it.
② The Company may revise these Terms of Use to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Framework Act on ELECTRONIC AND TRANSACTIONS, the Digital Signature Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.
③ Users will be notified of any amendment in the Terms of Use through ‘Notice’ on the first page of its website, including the date of amendment and the reason for amendment at least 7 days prior to the scheduled amendment until the day before the effective date.
④ Members have the right to refuse any amended Terms of Use. If members do not agree to the amendment, they may stop using the service and cancel their membership. However, if members continue to use the service after the effective date of the amendment, they will be deemed to have agreed to the changes in the Terms of Use.
⑤ The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by members due to lack of information about the amended Terms of Use.
Article 5 Consent to Use of Member Information
① The Company’s Privacy Policy applies to members’ personal information.
② The company’s member information is collected, used, managed, and protected as follows.
1. Collection of Personal Information : The personal information that the Company collects from users is as follows: personal information for community activities at the time they sign up for membership, and additional personal information from users who participate in an event or register for a giveaway event including advertisements.
2. Use of Collected Personal Information : The Company does not provide or disclose personal information to a third party without prior consent from the user. However, the Company is obligated to provide personal information, when there is a request from government offices in accordance with relevant laws such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications when there is a request for investigation of a crime, when there is a request from Korea Internet Safety Commission, or when there is a request in accordance with other related laws and regulations.
3. Management of Personal Information : Users can edit/delete your personal information at any time on the website to protect and manage the privacy of your personal information.
4. Protectiont of Personal Information : Only you can view/edit/delete your personal information, and you must not reveal your password. Be sure to log out and close the web browser window when you exit. (This is necessary to protect your information when using a computer in public places such as an Internet cafe or a library where computers are shared with others.)
5. Others : Please be aware that personal information you voluntarily provide online, such as on bulletin boards or through e-mail, may be collected and used by others. Personal information posted in public spaces may lead to unexpected situations. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, and the Company does not bear any responsibility for any consequences resulting from personal information leakage.
③ When a member signs up for the service in accordance with these Terms of Use, the member is deemed to agree to the Company’s collection, usage and provision of personal information in accordance with these Terms of Use.
Suspension of Service
① The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of service in the event of maintenance, inspection, replacement/breakdown of information & communication equipment such as computers, or interruption of communication, and the Company can discontinue the service completely in the event of replacement with new services or other reasons deemed appropriate by the Company.
② In the case of Suspension of Service pursuant to the foregoing Paragraph ①, the Company will notify users of it in the manner prescribed in Article 8-2. However, if prior notice is not possible due to service interruption because of uncontrollable reasons (disk failure without the system administrator’s intention or negligence, system crash, etc.).
Article 7 Membership Withdrawal and Loss of Qualification
① Users may request the Company to withdraw their membership registration (membership withdrawal) at any time, and the Company will take immediate actions to cancel the user's membership upon receipt of the above request.
② If a user falls under any of the following reasons, the Company may restrict, suspend, or lose the user's membership in an appropriate manner.
1. If false information is registered when signing up for membership
2. In the event of threatening the electronic transaction order, such as interfering with other people's use of the Company or stealing information
3. When taking advantage of the Company to commit an act prohibited by relevant laws or the Terms of Use, or act against public order and morals.
③ If the Company decides to withdraw the user's membership, the Company will cancel the membership. In this case, the users are notified of the membership withdrawal in advance to give them the chance to vindicate themselves.
Article 8 Notification to Users
① If the Company notifies a specific user of matters other than the amendment of the Terms of Use set forth in Article 4, it may do so through the email address provided by the Company or the email address entered at the time of membership registration.
② If the Company notifies unspecified users of matters other than the amendment of the Terms of Use set forth in Article 4, it may substitute individual notification by posting the notice on the Company’s bulletin board for more than one week.
Article 9 Protection of Users’ Personal Information
① The Company makes every effort to protect personal information including information from the users when they sign up for membership in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Protection of users' personal information is in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Company’s Privacy Policy.
Article 10 Obligations of the Company
① The Company does not act against the relevant laws, these Terms of Use, or public order and morals, and the Company makes every effort to stably provide service in accordance with these Terms of Use.
② The Company establishes a security system to protect users’ personal information (including credit information) so that users can use Internet services safely.
③ The company does not send advertising emails for commercial purposes that users do not want.
④ The Company is responsible for compensating users for any damages caused by the Company's intentional or gross negligence in the use of the service.
Article 11 Obligations for User ID and Password
① Except in cases where the Company takes responsibility in accordance with relevant laws and private policy, users are responsible for managing their own ID and password.
② Users must not allow third parties to use their ID and password.
③ If users becomes aware that their ID and password have been stolen or are being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the Company and follow any instructions provided by the Company if applicable.
Article 12 User Obligations
① Users must not perform any of the following acts.
1. Entering false information when signing up for or when changing membership
2. Changing information posted on the Company
3. Infringing the moral rights or the intellectual property rights of the Company or other third parties, or interfering with business
4. Stealing another member’s ID
5. Sending junk mails, spam mails, chain letters, emails recommending entering pyramid organization (scheme), or emails containing obscene or violent messages/images/audio. Other acts of disclosing or posting information against public order and morals.
6. Transmitting or posting information (computer programs, etc.) whose transmission or posting is prohibited by relevant laws and regulations
7. Posting or sending emails by impersonating the Company’s employees or service administrators, or by using their identification illegally
8. Posting or e-mailing materials containing software viruses or any other computer codes, files, or programs designed to disrupt or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
9. Harassing other users such as stalking
10. Collecting, storing, and disclosing personal information of other users without their consent
11. Conducting profit-making activities using the Company’s services by posting advertisements or propaganda or sending spam emails targeting unspecified individuals
12. Violating the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Use provided by the Company
② If a user commits an act falling under Paragraph ①, the Company may restrict, suspend, or withdraw the user's membership in an appropriate way in accordance with Paragraphs ② and ③ of Article 7 in the Terms of Use.
③ Users are responsible for compensating the Company or other users for the damages caused by the user.
Article 13 Change of Member Information
① If there is a change in member information (address, e-mail address, etc.), members must immediately notify the Company of the change and make the correction on the Company’s website.
② The member is solely responsible for any failure to notify or update changes, which may be grounds for suspension or termination of the service.
Article 14 Deletion of Public Postings
If a user's public posting falls under any of the following provisions, the Company can delete the public posting without prior notice to the user, and may restrict, suspend, or withdraw the user's membership.

1. Content that slanders or defames other users or third parties
2. Content that disseminates information, sentences, figures, and others that violate public order and morals
3. Content related to criminal activity
4. Content infringing copyright and other rights of other users or third parties
5. Content violating other relevant laws and regulations
Article 15 Copyright Attribution and Restrictions on the Use
① The Company owns copyright and other intellectual property (IP) rights created by the Company.
② Users shall not use the information obtained by using the Company’s services for commercial purposes or allow third parties to use it by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent from the Company.
Article 16 Compensation for Damages
The Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred to members in connection with services provided free of charge, unless such damage is caused by the Company's gross negligence.

Article 17 Disclaimers
① If the Company is unable to provide the service in the event of natural disasters or other force majeure, the Company disclaims any and all liability for any disruption in your use of the services due to reasons attributable to users and members.
② The Company disclaims any and all liability for any disruption in your use of the services due to reasons attributable to users and members.
③ The Company disclaims any and all liability for any damages caused by all information users and members obtain on the site.
④ The Company disclaims any and all liability for the reliability or accuracy of information provided on the site through the Company’s service network.
⑤ The Company disclaims any and all liability for the data posted or transmitted by users and members.
Article 18 Other Terms and Conditions
① Matters not specified in the Terms of Use shall be subject to any applicable laws or business practices.
Article 19 Confirmation and Payment of Usage Fees
① Members who use goods or services provided by the Company can check the monthly charges for the goods or the services through this website, and they can make payment by credit card or bank transfer chosen by the member and approved by the Company.
Article 20 Jurisdictions
All disputes or claims between the Company and its users in relation to the use of service will be made in the Seoul Central District Court, or Court of Korea that has jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act.

Supplementary Provisions
These Terms of Use shall be effective from May 1, 2014, and the previous Terms of Use effective as of March 1, 2005 are replaced by these Terms of Use.


Privacy Information Handling Policies

Privacy Policy

Haejo Food (the “Company”) values customers’ personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection. The Company informs users of purposes of collecting and using personal information provided on the website according to Privacy Policy, as well as actions taken to protect personal information. Users will be notified of any amendment in this Privacy Policy through ‘Notice’ (or individual notification) on the website.

Article 1 Personal Information Collected
① The Company collects personal information needed for him/her to use such services, including signing up for membership, counseling, service, etc.
1. Personal information collected : Name, date of birth, login ID, password, home phone number, home address, mobile phone number, email, and consent to receive emails
2. Method of collecting personal information : Websites (while signing up for membership)
Article 2 Use of Collected Personal Information
① Personal information is used only for the following purposes.
1. Implementing service contract for the provision of the Company's services and providing the content for paying fees
2. Verifying the identity of users, identifying users, preventing any fraudulent use by delinquent members and unauthorized use, confirming members’ intention to subscribe, confirming the age, proceeding with obtaining consent from legal representatives for users aged 14 or under, handling consumer complaints or dispute settlement, and notifying notices.
3. For marketing and promotion purposes
Developing and specializing new services (products), delivering advertising information such as events, providing services and posting advertisements according to demographic characteristics, and determining access frequency or statistics on service use

Article 3 Personal Information Retention & Usage Period
① When the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved, the Company immediately destroys personal information in an unrecoverable way.
Article 4 Destruction of Personal Information
① In principle, the Company destroys users' personal information without any delay when the Company achieve its purpose of use. Destruction procedures and methods are as follows.
1. Destruction process
The personal information entered by means such as membership registration is moved to a separate DB (to a separate filing cabinet in the case of written documents), stored during the retention period and destroyed once it fully serves its purpose according to the Company’s privacy policy and any applicable laws and regulations. Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any purpose other than to keep it, unless required by law.

2. Method for the destruction of personal information
Electronic files are destroyed using a technical method that cannot be recovered or regenerated.

Article 5 Provision of personal information
① In principle, the Company does not provide users’ personal information to third parties. However, personal information is provided in limited circumstances as follows:
1. If a user personally agrees to provide his/her personal information
2. If the Company becomes obliged to submit personal information under any applicable laws and regulations or in accordance with the procedure and method for the investigation
Article 6 Entrustment of Personal Information
The Company entrusts part of its work necessary to provide customer service and handle complaints to outside companies. In addition, the Company complies with the Personal Information Protection Act to safely process personal information when it signs a contract with the outside company and stipulates the prohibition of provision of personal information to third parties and liability for any accidents. If the Company changes, the Company will notify users of the new company through ‘Notice’ or the page of Privacy Policy.

Article 7 Rights of Users & Legal Representatives and Exercising Those Rights
① If the user is under the age of 14, the child’s legal representative has the right to view and update the child’s personal information, and to revoke his/her consent to the collection and use of the child’s personal information.
② Users or children under the age of 14 can go to ‘Personal Information Change (or Member Information Change)’ to view or edit personal information, and can go to ‘Membership Withdrawal’ to revoke your consent to the collection and use of your personal information at any time after the identity verification process. Alternatively, please contact the personal information manager in writing, by phone or email, then we will immediately take action upon your request.
③ If a user requests the correction of errors in his/her personal information, the relevant personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is made. In addition, in the event where the incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the Company will immediately notify the third party of the corrected information to ensure that the necessary correction is made.
④ The Company manages personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of users or legal representatives as specified in the retention and use period of personal information collected by the Company so that it cannot be viewed or used for any other purpose.
Article 8 Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic System to Collect Personal Information
① The Company does not operate a system to collect personal information automatically generated while using Internet services such as cookies.
Article 9 Civil Service for Personal Information
① The Company has designated the following person as the Personal Information Manager to remain responsible for responding to user inquiries regarding personal information and resolving any related complaints.
Name :
Phone :
Email :
② If you need to report all civil complaints related to personal information, please contact the Personal Information Manager or the relevant department. The Company will provide prompt and sufficient response to users’ reports. If you need to report or consult on other privacy infringements, please contact the following institutions.
1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee. (privacy.kisa.or.kr/(Without a regional code)118)
2. ePrivacy Mark Certifying Committee (www.eprivacy.or.kr/02-580-0533~4)
3. Cyber Crime Investigation Unit, Supreme Prosecutor’s Office (www.spp.go.kr/02-3480-3573)
4. Cyber Bureau of Investigation, National Police Agency (www.netan.go.kr/1566-0112)


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